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Creating and selling the perfect delivery app.

The Challenge
PiikUp is in the concept phase
Our team was asked to be consultants for PiikUp, a delivery service that allows businesses and individuals to turn daily commutes into shipment routes. We were given two weeks to research the market, design key functions of the app, and to create a pitch that our client could present to potential employees, investors, and others.
The Problem
PiikUp is a concept that needs backing and support
PiikUp is an idea quickly becoming a reality. Our client wanted help fleshing out her concept in order to present it to investors, potential clients, and potential employees.
The Solution
Let's design the most critical screens to create a sales pitch for the product
We needed to figure out the most important aspects of the product and what set PiikUp apart from other delivery service apps. Our team needed to design the most significant screens from the employee and consumer-side. We needed to then develop a sales pitch utilizing the screens to gain a following.
The Design: Client-Side
Login and home screen
The onboarding screen is simple and streamlined. First-time users must create an account before proceeding and returning users must log in. The home screen takes into consideration that most clients are using the app to send a package; this has been made the most prominent button on the page.

Package description
The user is prompted to take a photo of their item so that the driver knows what they are picking up. The user must then fill out the following series of short forms and select apt radio button options. These screens help determine the total price of the shipment.

The client fills out where their package is being picked up and any extra notes in regards to this task. Next, they see a similar screen as they enter where the package is going.
Pick up and drop off locations

Shipment pricing
The final before submitting their shipment order is an estimate of the job. Though subject to change, our pricing model is based on research and how our client plans on charging people for their shipments.
The Design: Driver-Side
Scheduling jobs in advance
When drivers decide to work as Commuter drivers, they have the benefit of planning their jobs in advance. This allows scheduling flexibility for drivers and helps ensure all delivery requests will be carried out. When the toggle in the upper left corner is turned on, drivers are signaling that they are ready to receive job notifications. Jobs are filtered through to drivers based on their availability and car size.

Jobs Now
When drivers decide to work as Jobs Now drivers, they’re assigned nearby jobs based on their location. When a job is dispached to them, drivers may read a brief description of the task before deciding whether or not to accept or decline.

Account information
Since tasks are assigned to employees based on their personal information (e.g. car size), drivers can access their account information and tailor it at any time. They may also check their earnings within a given period.
The Process
Competitive analysis
We needed to determine what delivery companies are doing well and what PiikUp can do to set itself apart from the crowd since there are many similar delivery companies currently in operation. Our research had to take into account both the client and employee experiences.

We had multiple white board sessions with out client and designed with pens and markers before touching a computer.

Next Steps
Involvement and expansion
Next steps for PiikUp could include:
Connecting with developers to begin building the mobile app
Creating a working prototype from wireframes
Usability testing
Incorporating commutes and delivering along one's route (see image to right)
Expanding to iOS sytems

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