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Plans & Pricing
Creating responsive designs for General, Developer, and Real Estate plans.

The Challenge
One of my coworkers successfully redesigned the Plans and Pricing home page (desktop) and needed assistance in creating mobile web and tablet versions of the page. These versions needed to provide potential clients with information on features, plans, pricing, etc.
DocuSign underwent a successful Plans and Pricing desktop redesign but needed responsive designs
The Problem & Solution
DocuSign has many plans, features, and users!
DocuSign has a wide variety of plans and features. I needed to create something scalable that would take into account people looking to purchase DocuSign for the first time and DS veterans who are looking to upgrade their current plan. With three categories of DS plans (General, Developer, and Real Estate), I wanted to create a scalable design in which users could view the information they wanted and needed to see without being presented too much at once.